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Session 4: Meaning and Contributions
What does meaningful work mean?
Engage: Session 4 Checklist
Watch, read, or listen to as many of the following as possible before we meet. Use the questions to reflect on the media.
☐ Read: Johann Hari's Lost Connections - Chapter 6: Cause One: Disconnection from Meaningful Work
☐ Read: Johann Hari's Lost Connections - Chapter 18: Reconnection Three: To Meaningful Work
☐ Watch: What Is A Worker Cooperative? (5 minutes)
☐ Listen: The Unhappy Millionaire from The Happiness Lab Podcast (43 minutes)

What source did you enjoy the most?
What idea or thought did you find most impactful?
What type of contributions are most fulfilling for you?
What is the importance of meaningful work?
What connection does meaningful work have with happiness, fulfillment, and resiliency?
Does our society support us playing meaningful roles?
How is this topic relevant in your life?